(Dr. Isenberg's original mail in English will follow)
2017年5月16日に、ライリーこども病院で恒例の「インディー500 レースパーティ」が行われました。これは今年で12年目になる、こども病院に入院している病児さんにM4Mのメダルを渡すというイベントです。普段は病気と闘ってるこどもたちですが、この日は、もらったメダルを首からかけて、ニコニコと笑顔で、周りの人たちと笑いながらハグする一日となりました。病院のあるインディアナポリスは、インディー500という車のレースで有名なのですけど、そのドライバーさんやインディー500のプリンセスのお姉さんにも会うこともできました。今年は、また、ボーイスカウトのパインウッドダービーにも病児さんたちは参加することができました。
Steven F. Isenberg, MD
Founder Medals4Mettle
The Annual Indy 500 Race Party at Riley Hospital for Children was held on May 16, 2017. This was the twelfth year that Medals4Mettle awarded medals to the courageous Riley Kids who fight their illnesses with mettle and resilience. At the Race Party, however, they get to smile, hug and laugh as they receive their medals, hang them around their necks and meet the Indy race car drivers and 500 Festival princesses.This year they also participated in a Pinewood Derby presented by Boy Scouts.

Medals4Mettle volunteers, financial donors, friends and
Indiana University School of Medicine students awarded the medals, took pictures and met with the families of these remarkable kids who are running a much more difficult race than the runners who donated their medals.
Medals4Mettle would like to thank Riley Hospital, the doctors, nurses, child life coordinators and others who make these events possible. Riley Hospital hosted the first Medals4Mettle event at the 2005 Race Party. Since then, over fifty thousand medals have been awarded to the children at Riley and around the world in over 80 hospitals. Seventy worldwide coordinators organize a wide variety of M4M events to recognize the mettle of those less fortunate who must run a race they did not choose to run.
It is not about the medals, it is about the universal goodwill and support of human beings witnessed one medal at a time. Consider donating your medal, your time, your craft, your treasure.
Steven F. Isenberg, MD
Founder Medals4Mettle
From M4M FB page